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    How To Optimize Amazon Product Images - Requirements & Best Practices

    Are you struggling to make your Amazon product stand out from the crowd? Did you know optimizing your product images can increase your visibility? One of the most overlooked yet crucial aspects of your Amazon product listing is the product images. Statista states that 75% of Amazon customers rely on product pictures rather than reading their wordy descriptions. But when it comes to your product images, you need to meet Amazon's strict product image requirements.

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    But where do you start, and what strategies work best for image optimization? These questions may confuse you. Don’t fret! In this blog, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of optimizing your Amazon product images for maximum impact. Our Amazon listing expert tips and tricks will make your products compelling and increase sales. So, let's explore the power of optimized images and watch your Amazon business soar to new heights!

    Amazon Product Image Requirements

    optimize amazon image stack

    Adherence to Amazon's rules, particularly product images, is essential to achieve success on Amazon. Violating Amazon's image requirements could lead to the unfortunate situation of suppressing your listing. So, here is the complete list of Amazon's image requirements:

    1. Images must accurately represent the product available for purchase.
    2. Amazon product Images should match the product title to avoid confusion.
    3. The product must occupy 85% of the image's frame.
    4. Amazon-supported file formats for product images include JPEG, TIFF, PNG, or GIF. JPEG is the most preferred format, as Amazon's servers don’t support animated .gifs.
    5. Images should be clear, without blurriness, pixelation, or jagged edges.
    6. Images mustn’t contain nudity or any sexually suggestive content. Specifically, human models shouldn’t display leotards, underwear, or swimwear designed for kids and babies.
    7. Amazon logos, trademarks, or any modifications resembling them mustn’t appear in the images.
    8. Images shouldn’t include any badges used on Amazon or anything resembling them confusingly. 

    Also, if you want to create a compelling Amazon listing, read our guide on Amazon A+ content that will help you optimize your product listing.

    Amazon’s MAIN Image Requirements

    The main product image holds utmost significance as it is the first photo customers encounter. To ensure your main image captivates potential buyers, it’s crucial to adhere to the following requirements:

    1. MAIN images should include a white background with RGB color values of 255, 255, and 255.
    2. MAIN images must be clicked professionally and don’t include graphics, illustrations, mockups, or placeholders are strictly prohibited.
    3. Images shouldn't include any accessories or props that may confuse your customer.
    4. Text, logos, borders, color blocks, watermarks, or any other graphics mustn’t overlap the product or appear in the background of the MAIN images.
    5. Only a single view of the product is allowed in the MAIN image.
    6. The entire product that is up for sale must be visible in the MAIN image without any cropping. However, for jewelry products like necklaces, slight changes can be made.
    7. Products should be showcased without any packaging, including boxes, bags, or cases, unless these elements are vital features of the product.
    8. The MAIN images shouldn’t display a human model or physical mobilities with assistive technology like wheelchairs or prosthetics.
    9. The MAIN images should be flat photographs taken off-model for multi-pack apparel items and accessories.
    10. Clothing accessories should only show the mannequin's appearance.
    11. MAIN images of shoes should exhibit a single shoe facing left at a 45-degree angle.

    Also, if you want to optimize your Amazon listing to boost sales, read our Amazon SEO guide, which will help you rank your product at the top.

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    Amazon Product Image Size Requirements

    For optimal zoom experience on detail pages, image files must be 1600px or larger on the longest side. But make sure images must not exceed 10,000px on the longest side. Zoom functionality has been proven to enhance sales. But if you can’t meet this requirement, the minimum size for Zoom will be 1000px; for the site, it will be 500px.

    Types of Amazon Product Images

    When planning your Amazon product images, it’s essential to consider the type of images that best suit your product. Here's a breakdown of the basic image plan:

    Main Image

    amazon product image requirements

    The main image holds immense significance as it is arguably the most critical part of your listing, second only to the product itself. This master shot of your product should be presented against a clean, white background.

    Infographic Images

    amazon infographic product best example

    Infographic images are crucial for highlighting the benefits of your product while incorporating text. These images will showcase all the best features of your product and clarify why it’s the superior choice.

    Also, if you want to increase your Amazon product visibility and attract more customers, read our guide on creating an inclusive shopping experience for your customers.

    Lifestyle Images

    amazon product lifestyle image example

    Lifestyle images are strategically created to depict your product in action. Since customers can’t physically interact with the product before purchasing, these images help them visualize how to incorporate it into their lives.

    How to Stack Amazon Product Images?

    how to optimize amazon image stack

    Amazon lets you upload around 9 images to your Amazon listing. However, it's crucial to note that only the first 7 images will be visible on your live listing. Here's a recommended breakdown for your image plan:

    • Image 1: Main Image/Hero Shot:
    • Image 2: Showcase Components/Measurements
    • Images 3, 4, and 5: Infographic of Features
    • Images 6 and 7: Lifestyle

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    How to Optimize Amazon Product Image Stack?

    To optimize your Amazon Image Stack for high Google rankings and increased conversions, follow these best practices:

    1. Use High-Resolution Images 

    High-resolution images are non-negotiable. Blurry or pixelated images create a negative impression and deter potential buyers. Amazon recommends images with at least 1000 pixels on the longest side for excellent zoom functionality.

    Moreover, if you want to know which mistakes can destroy your brand image, read our guide on the top mistakes to avoid for your brand success.

    2. Highlight Product Features 

    amazon image stack optimization

    When adding additional images to the stack, ensure each image highlights a specific product feature. Clear and informative images help customers understand what differentiates your product from competitors.

    3. Showcase Lifestyle Images

    Lifestyle images allow customers to visualize how the product fits into their lives. These images should depict the product in use, showcasing its benefits and context.

    4. Create Infographics 

    amazon iamge stack infographic example

    Use infographics to showcase product specifications, size comparisons, and other essential details.

    5. Consistency in Image Style 

    Maintaining consistency in image style and background color across the image stack creates a professional and cohesive look. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and builds trust with customers.

    6. Optimize Image File Names 

    Giving your image files descriptive names with relevant keywords can increase your search rankings. Avoid using generic file names like "IMG001.jpg" and be descriptive yet concise.

    7. Use Alt Text for SEO

    Alt text is essential for both accessibility and SEO purposes. Describe your Amazon product images concisely and include relevant keywords to improve product discoverability in search engines.

    8. Leverage 360-Degree Images

    360-degree images provide an interactive and immersive experience for customers. They can examine the product from every angle, leading to a better understanding and increased confidence in the purchase.

    9. Test Image Order

    Monitor your customer behavior and adjust the order of your images accordingly to see which arrangement generates more clicks and conversions.

    5 Best Tips for Amazon Product Images

    1. Create Compelling Lifestyle Images
    amazon product images

    When it comes to creating unique lifestyle images, the key is to show potential customers how your product can enhance their lives and align with their interests. To do this effectively, consider your target audience, and incorporate persons representing that demographic in your images. For example, if you sell sunscreen, show your product benefits worn by a female model on a bright sunny day.

    1. Impress your Customers with 3D Images

    To truly impress customers and highlight significant product benefits, consider incorporating 3D-rendered images. These images can include a cross-section view, effectively demonstrating the specific feature you want to showcase. For instance, if you are selling an air fryer, a 3D cross-section image can vividly illustrate how it quickly cooks your dishes.

    1. Show Before and After Images

    Incorporating before-and-after photos is an excellent way to showcase how your product addresses customer problems and offers tangible benefits. You offer concrete proof that the product can make a positive difference by providing a dramatic side-by-side comparison.

    1. Add Informational pictures 

    If your product requires assembly or installation, providing instructional photos that guide customers through the process is essential. Demonstrating the step-by-step installation in your images ensures your customers can assemble the product successfully without any difficulties.

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    1. Hire a Professional Photographer

    You must hire a professional photographer or graphic designer to achieve high-quality and polished pictures for your Amazon product images. While DIY product photography might have sufficed in the past, the competitive landscape on Amazon demands a more refined and visually appealing presentation. Therefore, you must hire a professional photographer to establish a strong brand presence and gain a competitive edge on Amazon.


    In short, invest the time and effort to create the best product images and infographics to achieve maximum sales on Amazon. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer and consider what information they would want to know about your product.

    Remember to adhere strictly to Amazon's image requirements throughout the process. Compliance with these guidelines is essential to avoid any issues with your listing and to maintain a professional appearance on the platform.

    Also, don't hesitate to hire a professional if you lack experience or expertise in photography and graphic design. By crafting engaging and informative Amazon product images, you can increase conversions and leave a lasting impression on your customers this year!

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    If you find this article helpful then join our social footprint for more Amazon insights and growth hacks. Become a part of SwiftStart Mastermind to stay updated with the latest Amazon news, tips, and tricks. Follow us on LinkedIn for expert guides and Amazon growth strategies.

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    Our Amazon Brand Registry experts are always available to answer any questions and provide personalized support. Check SwiftStartUP Podcast for expert insights and success stories from top Amazon sellers. Don't forget to claim your free Amazon account audit right now!

    FAQs Related To Amazon Product Images

    How Can I Add Images To Amazon Product Descriptions?

    To add additional images to your Amazon product description, log in to your Amazon account, go to your product listings, and find the product you want to edit. Click "Edit" on the desired product and add images to the description.

    Are Amazon Product Images Copyrighted?

    Yes, Amazon product images can be subject to copyright protection. The copyright for product images typically belongs to the person or entity that created the picture, such as the photographer or the brand/manufacturer.

    Can I Use Amazon Product Images On My Affiliate Website?

    No, you can’t use Amazon product images on your affiliate website without proper authorization. These images are protected by copyright, and using them without permission would violate copyright law.

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