SwiftStart launched Fomin during the height of the pandemic. The brand is now expanding its product lines after tripling revenue.

Category: E-commerce Strategy

Dropshipping vs Amazon FBA: Which One is Right for Your Business?

E-commerce Strategy

With Amazon dominating the eCommerce marketplace, It’s essential for online sellers to understand the differences between two of their most popular fulfillment options: dropshipping vs Amazon FBA. Whether you’re new to selling on Amazon or a seasoned pro, you must stay informed of how these two services compare to make the best decisions for your […]

The Most Important Financial E-commerce Impacts Every Retail CFO Should Consider

E-commerce Strategy

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many brands to reevaluate their supply chain. Prior to the pandemic, brands used to sell products only through brick and mortar retail stores, but now they are also selling on online marketplaces like Amazon or Ebay! The change in how people buy things means that fulfillment costs should be now […]

The Most Important Financial E-commerce Impacts Every Retail CFO Should Consider

E-commerce Strategy

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many brands to reevaluate their supply chain. Prior to the pandemic, brands used to sell products only through brick and mortar retail stores, but now they are also selling on online marketplaces like Amazon or Ebay! The change in how people buy things means that fulfillment costs should be now […]

A Complete Guide to Craft An Influencer Marketing Strategy by Product Category

E-commerce Strategy

At Swiftstart, we’ve worked with a lot of influencers that are specialized in different niches and brand categories. As every product category is different and has to market in a different way than another, this blog post will help you learn certain guidelines specific to each product category.

How to Strategize Your Social Media Marketing to Attract More Sales on Amazon

E-commerce Strategy

We live in a world where we can buy almost anything online. Amazon has become one of the most popular places to purchase items since it is so easy to find what you need, just place an order and have it delivered right to your doorstep. Out of all the different ways that people market […]

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